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Welcome to the Healthscope Leadership Academy

The Healthscope Leadership Academy builds the capability of current and future leaders to grow and be their best, inspire the highest quality of care (either directly or indirectly), and lead safe and high performing teams.

Being a great leader is not something you are born with but rather a skill that needs to be grown and developed with focus and intent. Similarly, being a great leader doesn’t have a start and end date, instead it is career long journey that occurs over time and constantly evolves. At Healthscope we recognise this, and we know the impact that leaders have on staff, performance and most importantly our patients and customers. As such, Healthscope has launched the Leadership Academy. The Healthscope Leadership Academy incorporates a best practice, engaging and blended learning approach, all designed to build leadership capability across the organisation. 


Our leadership programs

Healthscope has developed bespoke leadership programs for key stages of your leadership development journey. These programs include Amplify Your Leadership, Ignite Your Leadership, Inspire Your Executive Leadership and Accelerate - Future DONs ProgramFor more information about the Healthscope Leadership Academy and these programs, visit the academy Hint page here or visit the program pages accessable via the dropdown menu under 'Our Programs'. 

How to apply

Applications for all 2024 Leadership Academy programs can be submitted via the Healthscope Leadership Academy portal. You can apply by clicking on the 'Apply Now' tab at the top of this page and select the relevant program from the drop down menu once applications open. Please note that places in the programs are limited, you will receive email confirmation on the outcome of your application by mid-April.

Applications for 2024 Ignite Your Leadership, Amplify Your Leadership and Accelerate - Future DONs programs will open Tuesday 30 January and close Monday 19 February!    



Further information

For more information about the Healthscope Leadership Academy and other development opportunites available, visit the Leadership Academy page on Hint

Contact us


If you have any questions, please email the OD team at Organisational.Development@healthscope.com.au